Yesterday we got an e-mail at work. With rules for the office. It said:
- No jacket on the chair
- No bags under our table
- No coffee while working
- We have to wear shoes at all times (it has only been me though walking without shoes...)
- No food or biscuits on nothing can be eaten at our desks
These rules really pissed me off. I got so angry! Why not try to motivate people that works in a company? Especially in a company where everybody is looking for a new job and people come and go all the time. Especially in a company that has a lot of foreigners working there that are highly motivated to sooner or later go back home.
Some of these rules could have been ok. If we had a good place to hang our jackets I wouldn't have gotten offended. But as it now turns out we have gotten a really small locker that is supposed to hold 40 jackets. And of course 80% are smokers. I don't really look forward to having my jacket stink from cigarettes just because I have to be at work!! Instead I squeezed it into my personal locker that we got a few weeks ago. This locker that is approximately 20x30 cm is supposed to hold all of our personal belongings, bags included. But everyone that has seen my bag (a ruggsack) would easily understand that it won't fit in a small locker like that. My boss said I could keep it under my desk, but to try to hide it. Thank you so much for that!!
And now the worsed thing - the coffee. We are not even allowed to drink coffee. I have never even heard of a rule like that. In the old office me and AK always brought coffee for each other and it felt great being at work then. That was back in the old office. I miss it more and more. The reason for not getting to drink coffee is that we can spill coffee on the keyboard. That is how much they trust us. And instead for trying to motivate us by giving us coffee cups with lids, they just ban us.

I am not saying I am working really hard at my job nowadays. I recieve about ten calls each day, and in between I have to sit and always be prepared when the next call comes. I cannot change the call volyme myself, but still I try to motivate myself to do a great job, as I always try to do. It just makes me sad that my company doesn't try to do that. By giving them a month notice that I am quiting (instead of two weeks that you have to give) I could not take the training they have now. Maybe just as good since I can blog now and get paid for it, but I was really looking forward learning something new. Last month I was among the topsellers and I thought I would get something for that. But no. We can't even get to know how it actually went. When I ask I get the answer that if the big boss hasn't said anything that is good news. It would be nice at least getting to know how it went.
I sound really bitter, and it is true for a bit. But I am not as bitter as it sounds. Just so you know.
And just so you know, my shoes stay on today and the biscuits I bought the other day stays in the bag and I am not going to drink any coffee.
life could be both better and worse I suppose.
At least I have a new camera. Bought a Nikon D40 with a 18-55mm lens for a good price and I got a bag, a memory card and a tripod with it. It is really really nice I must say. Here are som pictures I have taken with it (you can click them to make them bigger). It is reallty another feeling taking a photo with the D40. The hold, the clicking sound. Everything. I am still learning though and have a long way before it will turn out good.