Today is first of Advent. Only three weeks until christmas. Woho!! Of course we have to celebrate this in a proper swedish way. So yesterday I went to one of the best stores in the world: IKEA. There I bought (among other things) 4 big candles and a nice wooden tray. I put the candles on the tray, and voilà, there you have a adventljusstake. What that is? Look at the pic! So today we lit the first candle, and then next sunday the next and so on, and then on 4th of Advent all candles burn. It is a really nice tradition if you are in dark and cold Sweden. In Barcelona with bright sun and 15°C it felt a little odd. But now in the evening it feels better, and together with my Blossa Glögg (christmas spiced wine) and my pepparkakor (gingerbread cookies) it feels like december will be really nice! And Matt gave me a choclate calender a few days ago. Me like a lot!!

I also went up to Mont Jüic. Really nice in the weather and nice to be walking. The satsumas are growing there and are ready to be eaten. That is Spain today. Crazy!
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