So, now I have an English blog aswell for all my international friends!! I am not at this moment going to give any promises for the intervals of the updates though :)
Today is Friday and I am working my last day at Apple for this week. I have during these first four hours recieved five calls. I had to transfer three of them. So meanwhile I am writing in my blog (sic), surfing horseforums online, playing some games, talking to my colleagues.
Yesterday we found out who will be teamleaders. I had applied and was really hoping to get it. i didn't. But my dissapointment starting to dissapear from my mind now which is good. And the best part is that now I can continue slacking at work!!
And a small update of my life now (I know it is about time): Me and Gabriel have found a nice apartment where we are renting a room with balcony. It is in a nice area and have five bedrooms and a IKEA-kitchen (me like). We are currently living six persons there now and it actually works fine. We have two bathrooms ;) There is a nice american couple living there and they are very social. A little too social. But they are very good in the kitchen.
And I have found a job! As I said I work for Apple in their iPod-sales though the phone. Mainly for the Swedish market, but I was in the UK-team in the beginning. That was really nice actually because British people are sooo polite. Swedish people are not. And swedish people don't buy anything from us. But it is a nice job. And good to get salary!!
It is getting cold here now. At least at night. And you have to have a sweater on at daytime since it is only 15 degrees Celsius ;)
All for now
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